reveal a bit of our secret Frequently asked questions.

Frequently asked questions

How do you pronounce DZJiNG?
The first letter of DZJiNG is pronounced as in English “ginger.” And that’s not a coincidence.
The pronunciation ends with “ng” as in “bling bling”.

What does DZJiNG mean?
DZJiNG is the sensation you experience when you taste a DZJiNG drink.
We take you on an adventure of flavors starring ginger and beautifully balanced with lime and spices.
That’s your DZJiNG moment.

Star Wars fan? Think of Darth Vader’s light saber as if it cleaves through your taste buds.

What makes DZJiNG different from other ginger drinks?
The taste! Our mission is to make the most delicious ginger products based on pure and natural ingredients.
flavors are exciting yet very accessible to a wide audience.
And interesting for the connoisseur.
You can combine them endlessly for delicious mocktails and cocktails.
In addition, we work with fair ingredients.
Up to 50% fair trade.
So with every sip you also support the suppliers who provide our top ingredients.

Is ginger really so healthy?
Ginger has been used for centuries as a flavouring ingredient in the kitchen but also as a natural medicine. This magic root kills two birds with one stone!

Here is a list of the reasons why ginger is so popular worldwide:

  • Anti-oxidant
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties
  • Helps against nausea and motion sickness
  • Antibacterial
  • Helps against joint and muscle pain

And maybe not scientifically proven, but ginger is also said to increase libido!

We especially like ginger because it is so tasty. And it’s great to know that it’s also just super healthy.

Is there a lot of sugar in DZJiNG?
DZJING is a concentrate.
Organic cane sugar provides the preservation value but also the flavor balance once you dilute it.
After diluting, your drink will have a sugar content around 5%.
3 to 4% with the DZJiNG.Bergamot.
This is considerably lower than common soft drinks or fruit juices. And so much tastier.

What are the ingredients of DZJiNG.Classic?
DZJING is made with fresh lime juice, cane sugar, fresh-squeezed ginger juice, water and a blend of spices and natural flavors.
All ingredients are natural and organic.
The blend of spices are a well-kept secret of Jeffrey, DZJING flavorist.
Sometimes we lift a tip of the hat.
They are mostly memories from his culinary memory that he likes to get creative with.

Are there any preservatives in DZJiNG?
DZJING is pure natural and without any artificial preservatives or flavors.

What are the clouds in my bottle?
DZJiNG is made with freshly squeezed ginger juice. The starch in ginger slowly sinks to the bottom and forms clouds if you shake it a little. That’s perfectly fine.

Before you make your drink, shake your bottle. This distributes the starch and gives your drink a nice cloudiness.

How long is DZJiNG shelf life?

DZJiNG can be kept unopened for more than 1 year after production.
Once opened, keep refrigerated and consume within 30 days.
But even after that, it can be perfectly drinkable.
Above all, know that you can make both hot and cold drinks with DZJiNG.
Check out our recipes for inspiration.

Are there bits of spice in the bottle?
For DZJiNG’s flavors, we use an infusion of whole spices that we soak. This is called maceration. The infusion is carefully filtered during the artisanal brewing process. It is possible that a bit of herb escapes here and there. That gives a black dot in the bottle. Do not worry. It is pure nature.

I opened my bottle and DZJiNG fizzed?
Is there something wrong with it?

You’ve made fermented ginger.
Dilute this with sparkling water and you have real ginger beer.
But that was not the intention.
If your bottle is subject to excessively high temperatures it can trigger fermentation.
This creates carbon dioxide and begins to fizz.
This is how ginger beer is made.
It is slightly more acidic in taste.
If this is done in hygienic conditions then it can even be extra healthy.
But it is not our intention.
If you bought it like this in the store, bring it back and we’ll see how we can resolve this with the retailer.